For the past decade, the MGA/MGU business has grown at an unprecedented rate. Demand for program business and new relationships has grown significantly as both reinsurers and insurers seek access to business in the face of rate pressure and an increased need to identify untapped distribution channels, as well as many carriers’ inability to adapt to the changing landscape. That changing landscape is essentially driven by challenging carrier expense ratios coupled with the need for implementation of technology both in terms of delivering products and increasing the processing speed at the point of sale and issuance, as well as after sales service support.
With that said, MGU’s live and die by their reputations. A reputation, in turn, is built by the actions of its leaders. Effective leaders will never put the profits of the MGU ahead of the underwriting profits of the capacity that it represents as the integrity and sustainability of the firm will forever be compromised – it requires a managed Balance.
That is why we created “Balance”, as it best represents what has become forgotten in the outsourced underwriting model. “Balance” is the most fundamental, core element of our value proposition. It shapes everything we do (and do not do) and it is the north star by which each and every one of our colleagues will carry out the task at hand.